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"Fashion is the art of dressing well, and no, it’s not just for women."

Our Story

I graduated from college at one of the low economic phases of my country after interning at fashion houses in Kolkata and magazines. I had this whole plan to work in New York City, but I just couldn’t find an entry-level job in the fashion industry.”



“I knew I needed to follow my heart and do something that truly inspired me, so I started to think about what I might be able to do on my own and could possibly turn into a business. After brainstorming for ideas, I decided to do something in blogging, as I could see it was a platform that was becoming more relevant than magazines in some cases.”

Our Vision

“When I first came up with the idea, I wanted to work to make money and start the blog simultaneously, and it just didn’t happen. It was really tough. I’m not one of those people who can chew gum and drive at the same time. It’s hard to give a new business your all and then during the day be concentrated on something else, so that’s why I decided to move home and focus on it full-time one year ago. ”


“I’ve always visualized where I wanted the blog to go, and created business plans and strategies to get it there. From day one having my own clothing line and publishing a book were goals.”

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